Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Smudging Ceremony

Smudging is a Native American tradition which I have actually taken part in. It is a purifying ritual and thankfully, doesn't involve any blood and gore. A smudge stick is a bundle of dried "sacred herbs" that are burned to produce different spiritual results. To smudge a person, light the stick and then blow it out so it is still smoking. Wave the stick in a clockwise motion in front of the person , concentrating on their heart area. If you are smudging a space, walk clockwise around it with the smoking bundle of herbs.
There are many different kinds of herbs for different purposes:
Sage- used for purifying (drives away negative energy)
Cedar- purifying
Sweetgrass- brings positive energy (most effective when burned after you've smudged with sage)
Lavender- creates a peaceful and calm atmosphere
Mugwort- stimulates psychic awareness
Osha- brings good luck
Juniper- purifying

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